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SQL Tips & Tricks
Below are few details which will add value to your SQL knowledge.
- Count(*) vs Count(1)
- COUNT(SomeColumn) will only return the count of rows that contain non-null values for SomeColumn.
- COUNT(*) returns the count of all records in the table, doesn't matter if the portions of records are null or not.
- COUNT(1) populates 1 in all records (null as well as not null) for the sake of result set, and hence returns the total record count.
- COUNT(*) and COUNT('Foo') will return the total number of rows in the table.
- Checking for duplicates
select * from table where rowid not in (select max(rowid) from table group by )
- Exists/Not Exists are expensive operations and can be replaced by joins. Example:
--old: 4 h 45 m SELECT /*+ parallel (a,4) */ a.colOne, a.colTwo, a.colThree, a.colFour FROM tableOne a WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM tableTwo c WHERE a.colOne = c.colOne AND a.colTwo = c.colTwo AND a.colFour = c.colFour) --new: 2 m 21 s SELECT /*+ parallel (a,8) parallel(c, 8) use_hash(c, a) */ a.colOne, a.colTwo, a.colThree, a.colFour FROM tableOne a, tableTwo c WHERE a.colOne = c.colOne(+) AND a.colTwo = c.colTwo(+) AND a.colFour = c.colFour(+) AND c.rowid is null;
- CSV Record from SQL SELECT using concatenation
SELECT table_name || ',' ||column_name || ',' || data_length || ',' || data_type || ',' || 'Added in New Swap' as message from cols;