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Cows & Chickens in Python
Cows & Chickens: There are 63 animals in a farm which has only chickens and cows. Leg count is 206. Given that chickens have 2 legs and cows have 4, write a Python program to figure out the number of chickens and cows there are in the farm. Hint: A simple for loop should do the trick.
Cows & Chickens
totalNumberOfAnimals = 63 totalNumberOfLegs = 206 for numberOfChickens in range(totalNumberOfAnimals + 1): numberOfCows = totalNumberOfAnimals - numberOfChickens if 2 * numberOfChickens + 4 * numberOfCows == totalNumberOfLegs: print("Number of Chickens: {}".format(numberOfChickens)) print("Number of Cows: {}".format(numberOfCows))