Lakshay Arora | Nalini Aggarwal
Nalini Aggarwal
A keen pythoneer and a budding djangonaut. Aims to perfect whatever she pursues. Has a soft corner for Vortex Mathematics, brings any and every figure down to an 8. Hails from Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Founded djangoSpin to inspire people to take up programming.
Drop her a mail at
Lakshay Arora
A Python developer by choice, a System Analyst by trade. Born and raised in Kharar, Punjab, India. Fascinated by how each programming language works. Has an unquenchable thirst for programming technologies. Wants to use programming for the greater good.
Reach him at
Hello. We are software engineers, and we want to share everything we know about programming with anyone and everyone. Be it our latest ventures - C# and Bash, or be it our first technologies that gave us a sense of being programmers - C and HTML-CSS-javaScript, we list on this blog whatever tips, tricks, handy code snippets, common errors we encounter everyday and a bunch of other stuff. We sincerely hope we are contributing to this beautiful world of programming languages, with our articles and coming courses.
Nalini & Lakshay