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Linear Search algorithm in Python
Write a Python program to implement the Linear Search algorithm in Python.
Linear Search algorithm in Python
# Implementing Linear Search algorithm in Python # Linear Search, also known as Sequential Search, looks for the target item by inspecting each # item of an unsorted sequence until it finds the target item. If the target item is not found and the # sequence is exhausted, the algorithm ends unsuccessfully. # While this can be achieved easily using a for loop, it is advised against its use for building problem-solving skills. Use concepts of indexes and values at those indexes instead. ## PSEUDO CODE ##set currentIndex to 0 ##set maxIndex to (length of sequence - 1) ##set targetElement to target value ##set targetElementFound to False ## ##while currentIndex is less than or equal to maxIndex AND targetElementFound is not True: ## if element at data[currentIndex] is equal to targetElement: ## set targetElementFound to True ## else: ## increment currentIndex by 1 # Sample data data = [22, 45, 14, 38, 9] currentIndex = 0 maxIndex = len(data) - 1 targetElement = 38 targetElementFound = False while currentIndex <= maxIndex and targetElementFound is not True: print("Checking element at index # {}".format(currentIndex)) if data[currentIndex] == targetElement: print("Element {} found at index {}.".format(targetElement, currentIndex)) targetElementFound = True else: currentIndex = currentIndex + 1 ##Checking element at index # 0 ##Checking element at index # 1 ##Checking element at index # 2 ##Checking element at index # 3 ##Element 38 found at index 3.