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ftplib in Python
ftplib in Python: Python's standard library module ftplib enables users to carry out operations on a remote system using File Transfer Protocol. You can transfer files, fetch directory listing, create directories etc. on the connected system. Following are a few chosen operations, you can view the complete list of functionality that the ftplib offers by visiting its documentation.
Creating an FTP connection
>>> import ftplib >>> ftpConnection = ftplib.FTP() >>> ftpConnection.connect('') >>> ftpConnection.login('yourUsername', 'yourPassword') # The connect() method returns a welcome message from FTP server with status code 220 if connection successful. If unsuccessful, it raises socket.gaierror saying '[Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed'. # The login() method returns a success message with status code 230 if credentials are correct. If unsuccessful, it raises ftplib.error_perm saying '530 Login incorrect' # Alternatively, you can provide this information to the constructor of the FTP class, in order to reduce method calls. >>> ftpConnection3 = ftplib.FTP('', 'yourUsername', 'yourPassword')
Getting present working directory
>>> ftpConnection.pwd()
Retrieving directory listing
>>> ftpConnection.dir() # The dir() method gives long form of constituents of the current directory with information such as file permissions, created by, creation date & time etc. # Alternatively, you can use th nlst() method. >>> ftpConnection.nlst() # The nlst() method returns a list of directories & files in the current directory. To view contents of a subdirectory, enter the name of subdirectory as an argument e.g. ftpConnection.nlst('subDirectoryOne'). # Alternatively, you can use the retrlines() method. The retrlines() method lists directories with either 'NLST' or 'LIST' as its argument. >>> ftpConnection.retrlines('LIST') # output similar to dir() >>> ftpConnection.retrlines('NLST') # output similar to nlst()
Changing current working directory
>>> ftpConnection.cwd('subDirectoryOne') # To move up a directory, enter two dots in the arguments. >>> ftpConnection.cwd('..')
Deleting a file
>>> ftpConnection.delete('fileName')
Creating a directory
>>> ftpConnection.mkd('subDirectoryOneUnderSubDirectoryOne')
Removing a file/directory
ftpConnection.rmd('subDirectoryOneUnderSubDirectoryOne') # The above works fine if the directory is empty. If it is not empty, you will receive an error saying the directory is not empty. In such a case, use the following code snippet to remove a non-empty directory.
Emptying a non-empty directory
# Navigate to the directory containing the non-empty directory, then call the following function. def emptyNonEmptyDirectory(): files = ftpConnection.nlst() for file in files: try: # If file is not a directory ftpConnection.delete(file) except: # If file is a directory try: # if directory is empty ftpConnection.rmd(file) except: # if directory is not empty ftpConnection.cwd(file) emptyNonEmptyDirectory() ftpConnection.cwd('..') ftpConnection.rmd(file) # Now that the directory is empty, call the rmd() method on it to delete it.
Renaming a directory
>>> ftpConnection.rename('subDirectoryOne', 'subDirectoryTwo')
Downloading a file
# Navigate to directory on remote system where you file is placed. Then, execute the following to download the file. >>> ftpConnection.retrbinary('RETR fileNameOnRemoteSystem.txt', open(r'fullPathToNewFileOnLocalSystemIncludingNewFileName', 'wb'))
Uploading a file
# Navigate to directory where you want to place the file. Then execute the following. >>> ftpConnection.storbinary('STOR fileNameOnRemoteSystem', open(r'fullPathToFileOnLocalSystemIncludingFileName', 'rb'))
Uploading a folder
# Contents of dirOne |subDirOne |--subDirOneFileOne.txt |--subDirOneFileTwo.txt |subDirTwo |fileOne.txt |fileTwo.txt directoryToMove = r'pathToDirectoryOnLocalSystem' def uploadDirectory(pathOfDirectoryToMove): import os files = os.listdir(pathOfDirectoryToMove) # ['fileOne.txt', 'fileTwo.txt', 'subDirOne', 'subDirTwo'] os.chdir(pathOfDirectoryToMove) # changes current working directory to pathTo_dirOne for file in files: # if file is not a directory, then transfer it. if os.path.isfile(pathOfDirectoryToMove + r'\{}'.format(file)): fileHandler = open(file, 'rb') ftpConnection.storbinary('STOR {}'.format(file), fileHandler) fileHandler.close() # if file is a directory, make a directory by the same name on the remote system, access it, and call uploadDirectory() again to process its contents. elif os.path.isdir(pathOfDirectoryToMove + r'\{}'.format(file)): ftpConnection.mkd(file) ftpConnection.cwd(file) uploadDirectory(pathOfDirectoryToMove + r'\{}'.format(file)) ftpConnection.cwd('..') os.chdir('..') # go back to parent directory uploadDirectory(directoryToMove)
Executing FTP commands
# The sendcmd() method allows you to execute FTP commands and receive a response string from the server. A list of valid FTP commands can be viewed from or by executing ftpConnection.sendcmd('HELP'). A couple of usage examples: >>> ftpConnection.sendcmd('PWD') >>> ftpConnection.sendcmd('CDUP') >>> ftpConnection.sendcmd('QUIT')
Closing an FTP connection
>>> ftpConnection.close()